Tag Archives: wind

Accidental practice

Day 33 Perfection? The kingdom of god is spread upon the earth and man does not see it. Someone to tumble with in this grass would be sweet but as far as solo moments go, pretty near perfect. In tree … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, self education / research, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Visiting Kalamazoo

Day 15 – 16 Paused in the Pine Motel parking lot on the way back from Wallys, riding the Zilliax Miyata back to Oval beach in the rain. It was a warm rain and I wanted to add a little … Continue reading

Posted in 10-06-16, 10-06-17, 10-06-18, 10-06-19, Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, food, Hello World, movies, music, video chapters, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


I don’t want to leave the tent. 7:20 am, sore and wishing to sleep more. The waves take a little breath now – big surges with a rest in between. That’s a change from yesterday – constant roll and crash. … Continue reading

Posted in 10-06-01, 10-06-02, Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, disasters and catastrophes, food, Hello World, story, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

North Manitou odyssey

Two – count ’em – two new chapters are available for your viewing pleasure, both documenting my two night sojourn on North Manitou Island. Disasters and blessings interpenetrate. 09-09-09 Crescent City under Hello World (newer OS) 09-09-09 Crescent City under … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-09, 09-09-10, Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, latest news, open source, video chapters, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Return to the crib

Back in Brooklyn after a 13 hour drive with my brother Steve yesterday. We’ve got a date today to help a mutual friend with his apartment, then Steve will be heading back to Michigan on Wednesday. Meanwhile, wow! What’s it … Continue reading

Posted in vision, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


I jettisoned the sludge around 9:00 am and headed southwest, with the intention of hyper jumping 40 miles across the UP and camping just past the Garden Peninsula on summer island. It was to be a short and very intense … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-25, Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, training / practice, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Old Mission to Barnes

Brisk north wind of 15 knots with gusts up to 25! Then there were the waves, crest to trough 4-5 ft at times. Sail up and over, big splash, do it again. After about 14 miles of tacking nw and … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-18, Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, latest news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Yin and Yang

Even a sailboat has an environmental cost. Rebuilding Hello World was intended as a low impact project, not a sustainable project as I defined it a few days ago. Not only was electricity and petroleum poured into the tools, lights … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, policy, repairs, self education / research, sustainable, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Calling all collaborators

Yesterday was momentous. Thanks to advice from Christin Shacat I researched the Division 1 and 2 Transpac skippers. I also blasted Apple execs with an inspiring email, strategized with Kai for an hour and implemented Twitter. What’s it all about? … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, gear, sustainable, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment