Tag Archives: sustainability

Rifting establishes protocols

Kai is in the house! We’ve been doing a lot of undocumented talking phonewise. Kai isn’t totally comfortable with posting full names of collaborating individuals, he want’s to protect their privacy. He’s also reluctant to release the On Desire blog … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, kai, nonviolent communication, sustainable, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Telemetry 090630

I don’t think Dan’s coming to Hawaii. It seems, for ideological reasons as he won’t fly in a jet due to it’s carbon footprint. I can respect his convictions though I don’t fully adopt them as my own. He’s been … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, disasters and catastrophes, document / journal, health / survival, kai, story, sustainable, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment