Tag Archives: oil

1 day – intrigue

“Our long years of negotiations with foreign countries… have yielded no results this far. With the oil revenues we could meet our entire budget and combat poverty, disease, and backwardness among our people. Another important consideration is that by the … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, self education / research | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

North Manitou odyssey

Two – count ’em – two new chapters are available for your viewing pleasure, both documenting my two night sojourn on North Manitou Island. Disasters and blessings interpenetrate. 09-09-09 Crescent City under Hello World (newer OS) 09-09-09 Crescent City under … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-09, 09-09-10, Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, latest news, open source, video chapters, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment