Tag Archives: honolulu

Garbage Bits in the Pacific

Just a teaser… Story to follow… After a 2:00 am start C-130 calls us att dawn to help with rescue:: Overturned boat:: Man is rescued minutes before we get there after standing on the boat all night: We return to … Continue reading

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Horizon Lines declines

Last week I spoke with Jim Storey and Kelly Dennison of Horizon Lines, one of the container ship companies serving Hawaii. I made a proposal to document operations on a container ship traveling from Oakland, California to Honolulu, Hawaii as … Continue reading

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Telemetry 090707

Back in Kona after a long weekend in Honolulu, racing on Siesta and whooping it up under the 4th of July fireworks. Sick as a dog from a cold, most likely picked up on the flight to Honolulu.

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Re: alternates (to flying)

From:     KAI Subject:     Re: alternates Date:     February 27, 2009 7:15:42 AM EST To:     DAN Hello Dan, It was great talking with you yesterday! As for getting to Hawaii I’ll try to find some more crew list … Continue reading

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The Desire Project – Big World small footprint

From:     KAI Subject:     The Desire Project – Big World small footprint Date:     January 6, 2009 12:28:32 AM EST To:    DAN Hello Dan, Sorry it took a few days to get back to you an answer your … Continue reading

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