Tag Archives: blog

New strategy

A new strategy is needed for the blog. Tho I enjoy writing, trying to craft posts just takes too much time! I’m falling further and further behind. The plan is to try a twitter influenced approach, distillation and supplement with … Continue reading

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Where are the posts?

Watch for a flurry of blog and video posts in the next 24 hours. I’ll be in Kalamazoo with Susan and Vince until Sunday morning then heading back to Saugatuck Dunes Natural Area where Hello World is parked.

Posted in 10-06-18, Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, Hello World, movies | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The clean shaven look

I did it. Redesign and radical simplification of https://ondesire.movie has been implemented. There’s more to come but the major scaffolding is in place. Here’s the landing page. Pretty sparse eh? The idea is push some of the complexity deeper into the blog by establishing a traditional branching structure and with limit overwhelm. There are basically […] Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, design, fred oeflein, movies, navigating, overwhelm, software, story, tamarack software, technique, views, workflow | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Revisiting ondesire design

Here’s the state of the art. Bounce rate has been *bouncing* over the last 5 days. When it hit 70% on March 15, I almost flipped. I waited another day without making any changes and sure enough, it dropped back down to 35%. So what’s going on? Obviously I don’t really know, so perhaps we […] Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, google analytics, overlay, people, real life, story, technique | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Bounce rate drops at ondesire.movie

Bounce rate has dropped from 40% to 10%, whoo! Congratulations team, landing page analysis and revisions are a success. We’re generating a trickle of new visitors by selective follows on Twitter every day. From analytics it was pretty clear that … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bounce rate drops at ondesire.movie

Bounce rate has dropped from 40% to 10%, whoo! Congratulations team, landing page analysis and revisions are a success. We’re generating a trickle of new visitors by selective follows on Twitter every day. From analytics it was pretty clear that … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Meeting 10-03-06 ondesire landing page

We’ve had two dream team meetings, in Brooklyn (Faisal, Erica and Dan) and last Saturday in Beulah (Steve Elrick, Melonie, Jonathan, Lucas Kelly and Dan). Inviting collaboration and contribution was the focus of Saturday’s meeting. Components of the ask package … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, document / journal, music, open source, self education / research, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Blog and Twitter heros

Wanted: Folks publishing with integrity and insight about the connections between environment, sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfillment. Comment with your recommendations.

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Feedback for movies, finally

Since the Around Lake Michigan movies are presented in a resizable window outside of the blog proper, folks couldn’t comment – doh! Just created a stack of posts to fix this slight oversight… and away we go! Watch the movies … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, movies, vision | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Am I a good friend?

When you love a lot of people, how do you keep the connections fresh? This is a quandary for me as I’m blessed with a large extended family. Blogs help me make big chunks of my life public. With the … Continue reading

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Phase 1 of Around Lake Michigan is complete. The overview – 300 miles of sailing in about 30 days, 50+ hours of video recorded including travel and interviews, plenty of low/no impact camping, many new friends, 20,000 hits on the … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, self education / research, sustainable, time, video chapters | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Who needs Twitter?

Just activated WordPress for the iPhone, and that’s where I’m posting from. Who needs Twitter? A set back today in the reassembly of Hello World. I bunged the starter threads on both sides of the dolphin striker, so I’ve got … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, document / journal, Hello World, latest news, repairs, simplify | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Plan B

Once again Dan is manning blog command. Say that 10 times fast. Location – Artist house, Beulah Michigan Weather – overcast Health – excellent Morale – high Electricity – plentiful Food – adequate Water – abundant Equipment – functional There’s … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Desire project preparation, Hello World, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment