Desire and Destiny

Does what we want determine what we get?

Humans are pretty adept at making dramatic changes to the planet, but are we getting what we want? Ultimately, what do we want? Is there such a thing as collective desire, what all beings on the planet want together?

In 2009, Dan Kelly and Kai Schwarz were wondering if the answer to these and other crazy questions could be found sailing around the Hawaiian islands. They dreamed of making a movie about their exploration aboard Kai’s boat, Desire. Kai had sailed the redoubtable Desire solo from Seattle to Hawaii, but she had since been mothballed on the Big Island for years. After a few weeks trying to get her sea worthy, Kai reported she wouldn’t be ready for the trip. Since Dan was having a tough time securing non airplane transit across the Pacific anyway, he decided to stay in Michigan and seek sustainability sailing the Big Lake on his 16 ft Hobie Cat (catamaran), Hello World.

After a slightly dramatic ending to the second expedition in 2010, Around Lake Michigan the movie is being re-imagined, in the meanwhile episodes are available for viewing here, free. There are also several spin off projects currently extant.

Thanks for visiting, and smooth sailing!


Move a tiny island and call it a boat. Wrap a world with water and call it an island. Sprout a colossal starship from rock and sunshine and call it Earth. Boat as island, island as planet, planet as boat.

The crux of human experience, our collective destiny – desire.

Navigating On Desire


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