Category Archives: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Lake Michigan shares 1600 miles of shoreline with 4 states. The 2009 expedition of Around Lake Michigan explored about 300 miles or 1/5 of the perimeter in 3 weeks. x x x 1. Elberta Beach 09/05 – 09/06 2. South … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-30, Around Lake Michigan, movies, video chapters, wilderness | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


I jettisoned the sludge around 9:00 am and headed southwest, with the intention of hyper jumping 40 miles across the UP and camping just past the Garden Peninsula on summer island. It was to be a short and very intense … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-25, Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, training / practice, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dark night of Charlevoix

My iPhone had a mishap, so I am recalling events from a future perspective, having lost several posts in process. Having left Barnes Park around 10:30 am with it’s sparkling toilets, I made the dash for the end of Grand … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-19, Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Digital zoom saved my life

After all of Kai’s stories about crossing the Pacific in Desire and almost being run over by robot controlled cruise ships, I finally got a taste. Having caught a lovely wind after leaving North Manitou Island, I was making deligtful … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-10, Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, kai, sea monsters | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

On the wire

Moving out towards the Manitou Islands from the mainland felt wonderful. These islands have much resonance for me and approaching them while in synchromesh with the wind and a sailboat made me giddy. Long tacks to the NE and NW … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-08, Around Lake Michigan, bliss, Hello World, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Moon trail

I recorded an iPhone audio snippet of my moolit sail to Otter Creek. The slight wind continued for what seemed hours. In the dark, I passed chatty smokers anchored by what I guessed to be Platte River. Later and far … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-06, Around Lake Michigan, bliss, Hello World, poetry / lyrics, sustainable, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

E Beach arrival and party the second

Elberta Beach, the most dazzling jewel in Benzie County’s diadem of wilderness destinations. Granted there are fools who occasionally drive their vehicles on the beach and yes, jetskis buzz by once in awhile. In spite of these insults – glory, … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-05, 09-09-06, Around Lake Michigan, bliss, collaborators, Hello World, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Checklist Vixia HFS10 (Camera A)

√ (1) Drybag Sealline Sealpak Camera A √ (1) Tenba padded case √ (1) hand towel √ (1) Kingston Technologies MobileLite card reader ~$20.00 √ (1) Delkin Technologies 16 gb class 6 SDHC ~$40 √ (1) Canon Vixia HF S10 … Continue reading

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Checklist Sundries

20′ rope, 30′ drawstring, 200′ twine 4 x spare synch thingies 2 x lighter candle lantern 3 x candles Hygiene Health and First Aid scissor tweezor utility knife finger nail clipper aspirin cotton swabs 20 x hair ties Shaman Rx … Continue reading

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Checklist Clothes

Splitting the checklist into sections cause it’s getting outta hand. 2 x socks wool 2 x underwear quick dry 2 x underwear cotton 2 x merino top 2 x merino bottom 1 x black cargo pants 1 x pile pullover … Continue reading

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Checklist Master

That it should come to this. The dreaded pre-travel checklist, lifted from a post a few days back, except this one gets updated right up until launch. Underline items need attention. Last updated 08/30/09 Vision Search for sustainable civilization design … Continue reading

Posted in gear, Hello World, latest news, repairs | Leave a comment

Who needs Twitter?

Just activated WordPress for the iPhone, and that’s where I’m posting from. Who needs Twitter? A set back today in the reassembly of Hello World. I bunged the starter threads on both sides of the dolphin striker, so I’ve got … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, document / journal, Hello World, latest news, repairs, simplify | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Integrity exhibit A

Breaches in the Hobie hulls are sealed, structural damage is remediated. At 10:00 pm UTC – 4, August 12, I completed the injections of the decks. Only cosmetic and finishing work remains. I know y’all have been starving for pictures, … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, maker, policy, repairs, sustainable | Leave a comment

Mid Pacific Garbage Vortex

~~Mid Ocean Garbage Vortex~~ Last January while attending Seattle’s annual boat show I came across the ‘Junk Raft’, a catamaran sailing vessel built out of trash and found objects by Dr. Marcus Eriksen and Joel Paschal. Over the course of … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, kai, sustainable | Leave a comment

Deep holes

Patrick and I patched up the sides of the hulls pretty nearly now – all that’s left is sanding, fairing and painting. There’s also epoxy injections needed for both decks a couple of feet forward of the front pylons. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, repairs | Leave a comment

Jungle delivery – Hawaii to San Diego, August – September 2009

Just about the time that I was realizing that ‘Desire’ wasn’t going to be ready to sail back to Seattle and I realized Dan wasn’t going to make it to Hawaii the universe conspired for me yet again. I got … Continue reading

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Logo idea

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On Desire, an expedition towards sustainability

~~A stab at understanding sustainability~~ On Desire, an expedition towards sustainability. This discussion is half of the primary focus of the On Desire expedition. The other half being the real world implementation of sustainably practices. I believe that there are … Continue reading

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Foam dilemma

I’ve got voids in the foam sandwich and rather than cut little pieces of new foam I thought it made more sense to pour in foam that would expand to fill the voids and joints completely. There’s product by … Continue reading

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The hydrodynamic advantages of multi hulls and keels

~~The Hydrodynamic Advantages of Multi Hulls and Keels~~~ Dan and I had a great discussing yesterday about twin keels/hulls verses mono keel/hulls. I was noticing that the amas (pontoons) on his Hobie Cat are asymmetrical. When attached to the trampoline … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Desire project preparation, Hello World | Leave a comment

Freaken Kraken

I’m doing some research and trying to get up the nerve to shoot some video at the Natural Energy Lab of Hawaii and I came across this fascinating news clip: SATURDAY, JULY 07, 2007 “Octosquid” Discovered Off Hawaiian Coast It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, sea monsters | 1 Comment

Kauai Channel Race – Siesta trip canceled

~~Kauai Channel Race – ‘Sieasta’ Canceled~~ Running a racing sailboat requires a lot of work. The Kauai Channel Race is probably the most challenging race in Hawaiian waters because of the distances involved and the exposure to unprotected waters. In … Continue reading

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Kai’s Kauai Channel Race aboard Siesta 31 July 2009

I have never been very keen on competitive sports. I prefer engaging in activities where I am more focussed on bettering my own abilities rather than beating other people. Sports like hiking, climbing, back country skiing, scuba diving, and long … Continue reading

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Bold = got Underline = gotta get Hobie flares horn submersible VHF running lights new sails (ordered from Whirlwind) solid fenders for rocky beach and marinas new shrouds spare rudder and hardware etc. power airmarine (wind power) agm battery Repairs … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Desire project preparation, vision / planning | Leave a comment

On Desire remix

Gosh, everything was just hitting the fan this week! Kai’s friends were calling him a wussy and worse because this blog didn’t make any sense. He complained that he couldn’t find anything. Meanwhile I’ve been scrambling on Plan B, a … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Desire project preparation, Hello World | Leave a comment

Kai’s Babalu chronicles May – June

08May’09 1339PST ~900knm from San Diego- We are officially in the tropics now having crossed the Tropic of Cancer yesterday in light airs heading for an imaginary gate at 0degrees N x 130degrees West. We are sailing downwind in a … Continue reading

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A note about timing

With the web and the world being a 24hr, 360 degree longitudinal environment I struggle constantly with time when travel. Although my internal clock and sensibilities go into what I call ‘boat time’ (a near timeless state) I have to … Continue reading

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Rifting establishes protocols

Kai is in the house! We’ve been doing a lot of undocumented talking phonewise. Kai isn’t totally comfortable with posting full names of collaborating individuals, he want’s to protect their privacy. He’s also reluctant to release the On Desire blog … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, kai, nonviolent communication, sustainable, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Riposte – sustainability isn’t an abstraction

I was just commenting on Telemetry 090630 and I realized my comment was worthy of it’s own post. Kai and I are a few steps past this now, but you can’t practice fundamentals too much. > It seems, for ideological … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, nonviolent communication, self education / research, sustainable, training / practice, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Elements of Style

Dan here! Those of you reading On Desire so far may be annoyed with my quirky and often obtuse writing style. With the delivery of the Macbook Pro two days ago, Kai is in the process of coming online and … Continue reading

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Radical redesign

As reported a few weeks back, Kai’s got problems with Desire. It’s been sitting for so long unattended that there’s no way he can get it ready in time to return to Seattle ahead of big weather in September. After … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, disasters and catastrophes, document / journal, simplify, sustainable, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Horizon Lines declines

Last week I spoke with Jim Storey and Kelly Dennison of Horizon Lines, one of the container ship companies serving Hawaii. I made a proposal to document operations on a container ship traveling from Oakland, California to Honolulu, Hawaii as … Continue reading

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Working on Water

The Empire State Maritime Alliance is offering On Desire expertise and guidance on working boats, emphasizing the historic perspective. Captain Ann Loeding, (who also produced Daughter of God), has come aboard with her considerable experience and encyclopedic knowledge. Check out … Continue reading

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Telemetry 090711

Still working on getting over the last dregs of my Honolulu cold. Several interesting developments in the last week though. Apple has come through on it’s pledge to loan us a spanking new Macbook Pro laptop with all the latest … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, document / journal, kai, movies, synchronicity / fortunate accidents | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

John Lilly video

Great talk by John Lilly of Mozilla at Wordcamp. On the Web, you don’t have to ask persmission. If you don’t know what Mozilla is, check this.

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Expansion and sustainability

Kai has been keeping a log of his exploits since arriving in Hawaii and setting up Desire, but since he hasn’t had reliable internet enabled computation, contributing to the On Desire blog has been problematic. Mostly we talk on the … Continue reading

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Hobie disassemble and inspection

Future Sailors of America (Dan, Patrick and Jonathan) met this week for disassembly and inpection of our pre owned Hobie 16. We removed the hulls, washed off surface oxidation and crayoned the problem areas. Here is the most problematic problem… … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, Desire project preparation, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, maker, repairs, self education / research | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sweet moon

Another week in full tilt at the water temple. The Hobie renovation support team arrives in about 3 hours. For the moment, sweet silence and the moon. Been doing a little strategic shoving of local allies, helping to deploy web … Continue reading

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Where's Faisal?

Dern that boy, I thought I told him to mind the store. Well, here’s a taste. Your humble Director is way up in Northern Michigan yanking miracles out of his butt, a half dozen a day practically. Mostly concerning the … Continue reading

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Where’s Faisal?

Dern that boy, I thought I told him to mind the store. Well, here’s a taste. Your humble Director is way up in Northern Michigan yanking miracles out of his butt, a half dozen a day practically. Mostly concerning the … Continue reading

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Glorious gray

It’s heavy ‘ready to rain’ color today, with a hint of purple / pink peeking through. Back to wearing the wetsuit when swimming deep.  A shy summer so far, teasing warmth at the end of June and now mostly wet … Continue reading

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Telemetry 090707

Back in Kona after a long weekend in Honolulu, racing on Siesta and whooping it up under the 4th of July fireworks. Sick as a dog from a cold, most likely picked up on the flight to Honolulu.

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Up at dawn

Too many nights celebrating with the tribe this week. Forsaking my sauna pals I crawled into bed at 9:30 pm last night for much needed tissue regeneration. Up at first light this morning and wrapping the Shop and Save project … Continue reading

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Vision summary (draft)

Vision We can’t sustain a process that converts limited raw materials into garbage and toxic waste. Eventually we will run out of raw materials, toxify the environment beyond our ability to tolerate or break the global life support system by … Continue reading

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All hands on deck

July 5 is the deadline for my Hawaiian ride. We’re down to the wire. 11th hour. Time to ship or get off the ops. Now or never. Magic! In last weeks episode… Riding the Transpac would have been an exciting … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, health / survival, sustainable, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Plan B

Once again Dan is manning blog command. Say that 10 times fast. Location – Artist house, Beulah Michigan Weather – overcast Health – excellent Morale – high Electricity – plentiful Food – adequate Water – abundant Equipment – functional There’s … Continue reading

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Dan Kelly

Dan Kelly is an artist, bon vivant and filmmaker. In 2007, Dan solo camped for 5 days on Lake Michigan’s North Manitou Island and shot ‘Some Almonds Are Harder to Skin that Others’, a poetic manifesto for nature worshipping tricksters. … Continue reading

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Telemetry 090630

So here I am again, in my well appointed fiberglass barnacle on the edge of paradise behind a chain link fence, only this time no dogs parole the perimeter. Instead of smelling cordite and consumed jet fuel I’ve got whiffs … Continue reading

Posted in art, bliss, Desire project preparation, document / journal, kai, story, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Telemetry 090630

I don’t think Dan’s coming to Hawaii. It seems, for ideological reasons as he won’t fly in a jet due to it’s carbon footprint. I can respect his convictions though I don’t fully adopt them as my own. He’s been … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, disasters and catastrophes, document / journal, health / survival, kai, story, sustainable, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Jorn Winkler, DK Group

Container Ship – How to reduce effect on Climate and Pollution View more presentations from Glenn klith Andersen.

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Shop and Save

Watch Gretchen Eichberger at Shop and Save Here’s another chapter of On Desire in collaboration with Gretchen Eichberger and the Northwest Michigan Folklife Center. Camera ops are Patrick and Yo. Enjoy!

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The first wave of Transpac 2009 starts without me tomorrow. Jets are only $100 from LA to Honolulu – not an option. So how am I getting to Hawaii? I spoke to the San Francisco office of Greenpeace and passed … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, movies, sculpt, sustainable, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, training / practice, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Apple® in the house

Fantastic news – Apple Inc. is willing to support On Desire with an additional Macbook! Kai, Dan and the extended On Desire tribe enthusiastically welcome our latest collaborator. What with Final Cut Pro Studio, an iPhone and a gaggle of … Continue reading

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Telemetry 090620

8:50 AM 8/3/06 For me, the ocean is a place that keeps me riveted to the reality of the moment. A place which is always changing and one that keeps me focused and alive in so many sublime ways. I … Continue reading

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Calling all collaborators

Yesterday was momentous. Thanks to advice from Christin Shacat I researched the Division 1 and 2 Transpac skippers. I also blasted Apple execs with an inspiring email, strategized with Kai for an hour and implemented Twitter. What’s it all about? … Continue reading

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Letter to Steve Jobs

From:       Dan Kelly Subject:   Hey Steve! Date:        June 16, 2009 7:36:07 PM EDT To:            Steve Jobs, Apple Computer Hey Steve, Trust you are doing well. I haven’t been following your progress, have you looked … Continue reading

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Terrorist Training TM

I’m sending out screeners for ‘Almonds’ to film festivals this morning. You can watch the trailer here… The press package is also available as a pdf – the project’s back story. After reviewing the press package and checking in … Continue reading

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da kine Kai

Kai checked in yesterday. Since he had just been blown from San Diego to Tahiti aboard Babalu and then flown to the big island of Hawaii, I was surprised to hear him sounding sort of stressed. Having experienced the big … Continue reading

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Vision revisited

What begins to emerge is the demonstration. Apparently we face big challenges on planet Earth. There are some who claim we’ve passed the point of no return for global climate change. If that’s true then only miracles matter. I don’t … Continue reading

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On jets

I’ve been active on the online sailing communities looking for a ride from *anywhere* on the west coast of the North American continent to Hawaii. I’m preparing my pitch to the container ship companies for Monday. I also decided to … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, sustainable | 2 Comments

Away kit

Today I am assembling the away kit and cleaning the house. I thought I’d update along the way… In it’s function as a staging area and way station, the Artist house needs regular maintenance. Today I replenished the grain and … Continue reading

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Still here?

I laze. It’s spring at the artist house, lovely. One might conjecture a very slow tourist season hereabouts, what with the end of capitalism and all. Sigh! What a time to be thousands of miles away. A cat eating mackerel … Continue reading

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Loose ends

From:     DAN Subject:     Re: Kona next week Date:     June 8, 2009 9:38:11 AM EDT To:     KAI Hey Cap’n, Still in Michigan waiting for a few final components of the kit to arrive. In the meantime, I … Continue reading

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poetry by Kari

It’s actually July 9, 2009 and I just now found this poem from Kari Tomashik for On Desire. From:     Kari Subject:     RE: On Desire Date:     June 3, 2009 8:02:42 PM GMT-04:00 To:    Dan Cc:    Kari … Continue reading

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Personal finances and whuffie

An unproductive visit to the outhouse this morning as far as bowels were concerned, but the brain – oh the brain. I receive $2000 a month in investment income. I invested in my family, in a weird juxtapostion of truth … Continue reading

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Launch the first wave!

After 5 days of screen gazing I have achieved blog launch. About 75 souls in the first wave. Assuming there’s no major hitches in the next day or two, we’ll do the next 500 or so on the big list. … Continue reading

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Desire and Faisal in the house

Beulah, Michigan In December of last year I heard from Kai, captain of the 26′ Sloop Desire. He was planning to set her up for future adventures starting with a shakedown cruise in the Hawaiian Islands, and did I want … Continue reading

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Desire links

The 26′ Westerly Centaur sloop ‘Desire’ is awaits our arrival atop a lava flow on the big island. Here are some details and specs.

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Training today

8:55 – 9:55 blog preparation Preparing to launch the blog.

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May 28, 2009… Train as in practice, not what hobos ride. How do we prepare ourselves for anything. Just because I am drinking a beer right now doesn’t mean that I couldn’t whoop a battalion of fascists with one arm … Continue reading

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Knowledge archive

After several blogging experiments – Mistakes I have made, Awesomesheet and Desire – I begin to have some clarity on what the objective is. This I knew… • Keep the network humming with the latest news. • Distribution improves the … Continue reading

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Train as in practice, not what hobos ride. How do I get ready for anything? What abilities and awareness are needed to pull off On Desire? Pre-production training May 28 – June 5 Daily blog planning and update, (30 minutes … Continue reading

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Vision is an articulation of the elemental ideas that motivate and inspire a project. Why would two guys wander around the Hawaiian islands on a sailboat? Certainly this is a silly question – given the chance, who wouldn’t wander around … Continue reading

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Aloha Beulah

Here a silver gray and green morning with rain lightly tapping on spring leaves, copper roof and stone.  Location – Artist house, Beulah, Michigan, USA, Earth. It’s exceptional and a little hard to believe. I drove 18 hours in a … Continue reading

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Whatever it is I am about to do

What I was doing can no longer be neatly contained by the descriptions previously posted. Just as Desire has to be pulled from the lava flow, fitted and rigged (insert sloopish jargon here) so too On Desire must be made … Continue reading

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Aloha New York City

It’s about 2:30 pm on Sunday the 23 of April 2009 by the mad reckoning of the Gregorian calendar. I am gorging on tofu and onions with a dash of tumeric, just a few vacuum swipes away from departure. Leaving … Continue reading

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Birthday present

From:     Thorsten Andresen Subject:     use of image Date:     May 18, 2009 2:14:15 AM EDT To:     Dan Kelly Cc:     Nils Sparwasser Dear Dan Kelly, Thank your for your interest in our images. I am happy to … Continue reading

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Instruments of mass creation

I’ve been listening to Zietgeist addendum today while rotoscoping Almonds and had a flash on self education. My brother Steve and I have been talking about how students emerge from college with significant debt. His kids (my nephews) are not … Continue reading

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Thanks universe and by the way…

The universe comes through – I’ve sold my car and more production gear. Just one big hurdle left – sublet. To keep a NYC apartment while you travel and not sink into a morass of debt,  you’ve got to find … Continue reading

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Dance and rice congee

Irene and I went to see Alexandra Beller/Dances ‘s at the Abron Arts Center then debriefed afterwards at Great New York Noodletown – where we saw former Mayor Ed Koch eating at a quiet table in the corner. He seemed … Continue reading

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Kai’s Babalu chronicles, May 3

9:00am PST – 166 knm off of Baja, 23 knm from Guadalupe Island We’re sailing along at ~6 knots with a reefed main. Feeling fine to be on the open blue again with 3300 meters of water under the keel … Continue reading

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Wishing machine

Here’s a lecture William Burroughs made at Naropa. There’s interesting material here about a machine he experimented with and his critique of science’s indefensible split of consciousness and external reality. naropa_william_s_burroughs_class A few of the references that Burroughs mentions… Frontiers … Continue reading

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Movie strategy

Robert Greenwald’s Brave New Foundation is trying something interesting. They are posting chapters of the documentary Rethinking Afghanistan as they are completed. This provides for a lot of interaction and audience involvement, even audience building. Here’s the URL… I … Continue reading

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Movie strategy

Robert Greenwald’s Brave New Foundation is trying something interesting. They are posting chapters of the documentary Rethinking Afghanistan as they are completed. This provides for a lot of interaction and audience involvement, even audience building. Here’s the URL… I … Continue reading

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Kai’s Babalu chronicles, May 1

07:30 am PST We are finally away from the dock and the associated land based madness headed for sea with all systems go! We play our theme song as we wave bye to friends and muppets.

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projects are self education

This might be sort of a duh moment, but sometimes saying obvious things can lead to sublime insights. No promises… I am self educated. My last institutional degree was a high school diploma. Pros and cons? I celebrate the pros … Continue reading

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NVC stands for non-violent communication.  Developed by Marshall Rosenberg, this approach to communication is about connecting to the feelings and needs of another. I had this on my radar screen years ago and now I’m ready to soak it up. … Continue reading

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Almondz gots to get launched. To faciliate connections in Hawaii, I’ve got to refresh my own web presence, specifically Trickster Pictures and Artist house. I’ve got to clarify myself, Dan ghee. What about that pesky trademark? international name server and … Continue reading

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Letter to Drew Kapp

From: Subject:     image Date:     April 29, 2009 9:25:47 AM EDT To: Cc: Hey Drew, I really like this image. Did you make it? What sort of data was used? I’m planning a … Continue reading

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Vision version 0.11

I see the Desire project as a pragmatic application of the ideas that are presented in Bleep and Secret. It’s one thing to gas on about the creative power of the universe while making with the trippy graphics, but what … Continue reading

Posted in art, bliss, Desire project genesis, self education / research, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, training / practice, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Vision version 0.1

For the last week, I’ve been fighting a rather nasty flu with an expired bottle of Ayurvedic immune booster. Rumors of a deadly Mexican flu outbreak in nearby Queens means I might not make it through the night. So this … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project genesis, sustainable, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Kai is incommunicado until mid June 2009 as he sails from San Diego to Tahiti with…. For now, only Dan’s plans are in process. Dan here – planning is akin to visualization. Project a richly detailed simulation of an idea, … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project genesis, gear, self education / research, training / practice, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Kai fix

From May until June, Kai is sailing fom San Diego to the Marquesas / Tahiti. He is scheduled to catch a plane into Hilo, Hawaii on June 13. Desire has been parked on a lava flow with all her open … Continue reading

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I’m interested in scuba and free diving. Scuba requires equipment and training, free is mostly training.  My recently re-discovered friend Jason has gotten me re-excited about free diving. scuba refresher course regulator fins wetsuit booties fins mask snorkel tank (in … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project genesis, simplify, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


The ability to sleep anywhere is handy – in a grassy glade, a construction site after hours or in the coat room of a fancy hotel. Yes, I have. I imagine a return to Mauna Loa, some backwoods exploring and … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project genesis, health / survival, sustainable, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


This includes medicines and supplements. Having recently rumbled with a flu in Brooklyn I’m sold on Banyan Botanicals Immune Support – another of my brother Steve’s recommendations. Here’s the short list of herbs, roots and potions. Eastern Banyan Botanicals Immune … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project genesis, health / survival, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Research is about the frontiers of this project, sparking the vision and pointing us towards interesting trouble. Also, what are some worthy skills? What’s out there, what’s worth knowing? Hawaiian language and culture podcast The body contains an ocean … Continue reading

Posted in hawaiian language, self education / research, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Plan and publish

This blog is a tool to both plan and publish. Electricity will be scarce on Desire so we’ve got to make the most out of keyboard time. I want to compute less and live more! Planning by blogging is an … Continue reading

Posted in document / journal, self education / research | Leave a comment


Kai April 30 – June 10 sail from San Diego, California to Tahiti June 13 fly to Hilo, Hawaii June 15 – July 15 Desire re-commission July 15 – whenever Big World Small Footprint Dan – revised 7/01/09 May 24 … Continue reading

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Kai’s Babalu chronicles, April 22

Earth-day and B-day. Still on the hard in San Diego. I had hoped to be several hundred miles out to sea on this day but instead we are waiting for the new engine, having torn out the old one yesterday. … Continue reading

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