Category Archives: kai

Cast of characters

Up this morning early trying to time lapse celestial events, then back home for a super hot bath. Claire raved about cold showers and so as a concession to her I flopped into Crystal right after. It’s been a super … Continue reading
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Posted in 10 pages, Around Lake Michigan, bio, biography, cast, cast of characters, Claire, Dirk, Doug, friends, Gurudeva, James, kai, Lena, Making of a Saint, people, Ray Kurzweil | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Digital zoom saved my life

After all of Kai’s stories about crossing the Pacific in Desire and almost being run over by robot controlled cruise ships, I finally got a taste. Having caught a lovely wind after leaving North Manitou Island, I was making deligtful … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-10, Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, kai, sea monsters | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mid Pacific Garbage Vortex

~~Mid Ocean Garbage Vortex~~ Last January while attending Seattle’s annual boat show I came across the ‘Junk Raft’, a catamaran sailing vessel built out of trash and found objects by Dr. Marcus Eriksen and Joel Paschal. Over the course of … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, kai, sustainable | Leave a comment

Kai’s Babalu chronicles May – June

08May’09 1339PST ~900knm from San Diego- We are officially in the tropics now having crossed the Tropic of Cancer yesterday in light airs heading for an imaginary gate at 0degrees N x 130degrees West. We are sailing downwind in a … Continue reading

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Rifting establishes protocols

Kai is in the house! We’ve been doing a lot of undocumented talking phonewise. Kai isn’t totally comfortable with posting full names of collaborating individuals, he want’s to protect their privacy. He’s also reluctant to release the On Desire blog … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, kai, nonviolent communication, sustainable, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Telemetry 090711

Still working on getting over the last dregs of my Honolulu cold. Several interesting developments in the last week though. Apple has come through on it’s pledge to loan us a spanking new Macbook Pro laptop with all the latest … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, document / journal, kai, movies, synchronicity / fortunate accidents | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Telemetry 090707

Back in Kona after a long weekend in Honolulu, racing on Siesta and whooping it up under the 4th of July fireworks. Sick as a dog from a cold, most likely picked up on the flight to Honolulu.

Posted in document / journal, health / survival, kai, story | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Telemetry 090630

So here I am again, in my well appointed fiberglass barnacle on the edge of paradise behind a chain link fence, only this time no dogs parole the perimeter. Instead of smelling cordite and consumed jet fuel I’ve got whiffs … Continue reading

Posted in art, bliss, Desire project preparation, document / journal, kai, story, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Telemetry 090630

I don’t think Dan’s coming to Hawaii. It seems, for ideological reasons as he won’t fly in a jet due to it’s carbon footprint. I can respect his convictions though I don’t fully adopt them as my own. He’s been … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, disasters and catastrophes, document / journal, health / survival, kai, story, sustainable, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Telemetry 090620

8:50 AM 8/3/06 For me, the ocean is a place that keeps me riveted to the reality of the moment. A place which is always changing and one that keeps me focused and alive in so many sublime ways. I … Continue reading

Posted in bliss, collaborators, Desire project preparation, disasters and catastrophes, document / journal, kai, story | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Desire and Faisal in the house

Beulah, Michigan In December of last year I heard from Kai, captain of the 26′ Sloop Desire. He was planning to set her up for future adventures starting with a shakedown cruise in the Hawaiian Islands, and did I want … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, bliss, Desire project genesis, kai | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Desire links

The 26′ Westerly Centaur sloop ‘Desire’ is awaits our arrival atop a lava flow on the big island. Here are some details and specs.

Posted in Desire project genesis, Desire project preparation, kai | Leave a comment

Kai’s Babalu chronicles, May 3

9:00am PST – 166 knm off of Baja, 23 knm from Guadalupe Island We’re sailing along at ~6 knots with a reefed main. Feeling fine to be on the open blue again with 3300 meters of water under the keel … Continue reading

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Kai’s Babalu chronicles, May 1

07:30 am PST We are finally away from the dock and the associated land based madness headed for sea with all systems go! We play our theme song as we wave bye to friends and muppets.

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Kai fix

From May until June, Kai is sailing fom San Diego to the Marquesas / Tahiti. He is scheduled to catch a plane into Hilo, Hawaii on June 13. Desire has been parked on a lava flow with all her open … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, kai | Leave a comment

Kai’s Babalu chronicles, April 22

Earth-day and B-day. Still on the hard in San Diego. I had hoped to be several hundred miles out to sea on this day but instead we are waiting for the new engine, having torn out the old one yesterday. … Continue reading

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Kai’s Babalu chronicles, April 18

After several days at the Shelter Island Boat Yard and a bit more than a week tied up amidst the ‘muppet navy’ at the ‘cop dock’ we discovered that ‘Babalu’s engine is pretty much at the end of it’s life … Continue reading

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Kai’s Babalu chronicles, April 2

Aboard ‘Babalu’, Shelter Island Boat Yard, San Diego, CA I touch down at Lindberg Field in San Diego having made a clean exit from Seattle. Erica and Hans ans Deduytsche had left Seattle a month ago. In the past several … Continue reading

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