Category Archives: story

Illustrated Revelations on an Art of Self

The outcome for 1/1 – 1/2 is to publish a clear and fun compendium and quick reference for the driving objectives of 2013. Let’s begin with thinking about thinking. How do introspective sessions connect and coalese, how do I bind … Continue reading
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Posted in alternate universe, Around Lake Michigan, chaga, driving force, fuck mother, george galloway, glimmung, goals, hack, health, Lena Maude Wilson, mantak chia, master ru, money, organization, people, pkd, polymath, production and post, projects, protocol, real life, Science Fiction Musical, story, tantra, teachers, upkeep | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fukushima in the USA

Arnie Gunderson – 23 plants in the USA identical to Fukushima, 2 near Chicago, Dresden and Quad City neither are on Lake Michigan Continue reading

Posted in Arnie Gunderson, Around Lake Michigan, fukushima, production and post, story | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Posts to post

I’ve been blogging in my mind for the last couple of months, here’s a sample of the topics I’d like elaborate on soonish. First, a crisis of confidence. Gosh, why blog at all? With the explosion of FB, a personal … Continue reading
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Posted in animation, Around Lake Michigan, ben woody, cows, doug michels, dragon frame, farm, flag of earth, h16, hardware, Hello World, james allegro, people, production and post, real life, rosie, shack, software, story, technique, workflow | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cutting glass

Ben and I do DOG daily (have you met Ben Woody?) but my early evenings and weekends are dedicated to acquiring old Hobie 16s cheap – usually with soft decks and other structural issues. This is long range planning for … Continue reading
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Posted in Around Lake Michigan, ben woody, deck, production and post, real life, rotozip, story, technique, workflow | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


I tested my PSA yesterday – me doing a talking head with ALM b-roll. It’s got potential. This morning I simplified the narration. I am Dan Kelly In 2008 I was invited to sail around the Hawaiian islands and make … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, Hello World, policy, self education / research, story, sustainable, training / practice, video chapters, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Public Service Announcement

I’ve been away from for a couple of months, reconstructing my land based life and recovering from an NYC exit. Let’s return now to the Around Lake Michigan archives for further extraction and posting. I’m starting with a PSA … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, self education / research, simplify, story, sustainable, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, training / practice, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Musings in the morning

With ALM, I have three basic flows for telling the story – raw video, motion graphics and posts (text). Though I wasn’t as faithful with imaging everything, I was fairly thorough in my writing. I captured details that I certainly … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, bliss, collaborators, disasters and catastrophes, injury, movies, open source, policy, self education / research, story, sustainable, training / practice, video chapters, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


I don’t want to leave the tent. 7:20 am, sore and wishing to sleep more. The waves take a little breath now – big surges with a rest in between. That’s a change from yesterday – constant roll and crash. … Continue reading

Posted in 10-06-01, 10-06-02, Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, disasters and catastrophes, food, Hello World, story, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

14 days – weight and writing

Beautiful. Inventory and ordering continues today, with a bit of general organization around the house. Yesterday I became 6.5 lbs heavier when I started wearing a scuba weight belt. Carrying extra weight is an easy way to challenge the body … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, document / journal, story, training / practice, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

15 days – Making of a Saint

Getting close now. Order of operations seems to be holding together, it’s spooky that I’m mostly on schedule. Everything can go right between now and launch… it’s possible. I am noticing more, recognizing the unfolding of a larger story. A … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, bliss, collaborators, disasters and catastrophes, health / survival, Hello World, movies, open source, self education / research, simplify, story, sustainable, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, training / practice, vision / planning, visualization (magic), wilderness | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The clean shaven look

I did it. Redesign and radical simplification of has been implemented. There’s more to come but the major scaffolding is in place. Here’s the landing page. Pretty sparse eh? The idea is push some of the complexity deeper into the blog by establishing a traditional branching structure and with limit overwhelm. There are basically […] Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, design, fred oeflein, movies, navigating, overwhelm, software, story, tamarack software, technique, views, workflow | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Revisiting ondesire design

Here’s the state of the art. Bounce rate has been *bouncing* over the last 5 days. When it hit 70% on March 15, I almost flipped. I waited another day without making any changes and sure enough, it dropped back down to 35%. So what’s going on? Obviously I don’t really know, so perhaps we […] Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, google analytics, overlay, people, real life, story, technique | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Bounce rate rebounds

Jonathan, Luke, Steve and I were looking at analytics for last night. After posting the Premise page on Friday, bounce rate shot back up to 40%. The point of looking at bounce rate is to see how effective the landing page is, but several factors could be influencing the results – other than the […] Continue reading

Posted in analytics, Around Lake Michigan, landing page cross post, people, real life, story, technique | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Deconstructing doom

Jonathan has been questioning the veracity of the doom assertion in the ALM / artifact premise. A premise or pitch is a shorthand introduction to a project – typically delivered in less than 15 seconds (and often in an elevator). … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, self education / research, story, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Social presence and priorities

Today I am thinking about the indivisibility of story and audience. Which comes first? In May 2010, Hello World and I return to the Big Lake. I’d like to start with a more robust social presence than the project had … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, latest news, story, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Visit On Desire

Last year my documentary about sailing around the Hawaiian Islands morphed into a documentary about sailing around Lake Michigan. In September of 2009 I soloed 300 miles on the 16 foor catamaran Hello World, searching for sustainable civilizations.  The plan … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, story, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

ALM guide – inherent

There was another way of doing things once, a way that has become marginalized and almost forgotten but perhaps not quite totally annihilated. A way that isn’t self destructive. We all know the legend… the native people of several continents … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, story, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

So far on ALM

We’ve been writing and writing. What has all this writing accomplished? Here’s what we know so far. Objectives for the project are identified The story centers around the guide character – his motivations, experience, starting point and transformation Several character … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, story, vision | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Shut up about the xroll already

Holographic scenes are trembling moments of pure gestalt. Put them in a sequence and call that a movie.  Perhaps an alternate sequence reveals more. If you play it backward you hear, “I buried Paul.” I’m imagining a burst of experience … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, story, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Redeconstructing motivation

The last several ALM posts have been about clarifying DK’s journey, why exactly did he get on the boat? Is he really searching for sustainable civilizations or was there another reason? Why is this trip shrouded in mystery? Maybe he … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, story, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Xroll installed

Dan Kelly is on this journey of discovery, he’s off to become miraculous, he’s searching for sustainable civilizations, he’s just an average American with an FBI record. Whatever his journey is, it’s open ended. Perhaps he has a general idea … Continue reading

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ALM guide, everyman

introduction for character Dan Kelly (everyman) Unless you’re totally evil or from another planet, you are probably concerned about the future of this one, our earth. It’s old news to talk about how much trouble we are in, so I … Continue reading

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ALM guide, becoming miraculous

introduction for character Dan Kelly (becoming miraculous) During intense experience I often get a clue about my full potential, what I am capable of. If I get into a situation that calls for a little something extra then lo, something … Continue reading

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ALM guide, the time traveler

introduction for character Dan Kelly (time traveler) Yes, another movie about how much trouble we are in. It’s also about how we got out of the trouble. If you remember the future as I do, you’ll know that we almost … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, simplify, story, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Designing the ALM guide

Who is this character Dan Kelly, ALM guide? Why is the audience intrigued by his journey? Based on my discussion with Andrea, I can’t assume the audience will understand my assumptions and motivations regarding ALM. The 900 lb gorilla in … Continue reading

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A coherent plan emerges – mission

Good Earth, have you been reading the recent posts from and I have – and they are beginning to spin out of control. Some sort of fugue state is being entered into here, so many eggs are cracking … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, story, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Elements of Style

Dan here! Those of you reading On Desire so far may be annoyed with my quirky and often obtuse writing style. With the delivery of the Macbook Pro two days ago, Kai is in the process of coming online and … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, document / journal, self education / research, simplify, story | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Telemetry 090707

Back in Kona after a long weekend in Honolulu, racing on Siesta and whooping it up under the 4th of July fireworks. Sick as a dog from a cold, most likely picked up on the flight to Honolulu.

Posted in document / journal, health / survival, kai, story | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Telemetry 090630

So here I am again, in my well appointed fiberglass barnacle on the edge of paradise behind a chain link fence, only this time no dogs parole the perimeter. Instead of smelling cordite and consumed jet fuel I’ve got whiffs … Continue reading

Posted in art, bliss, Desire project preparation, document / journal, kai, story, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Telemetry 090630

I don’t think Dan’s coming to Hawaii. It seems, for ideological reasons as he won’t fly in a jet due to it’s carbon footprint. I can respect his convictions though I don’t fully adopt them as my own. He’s been … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Desire project preparation, disasters and catastrophes, document / journal, health / survival, kai, story, sustainable, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Telemetry 090620

8:50 AM 8/3/06 For me, the ocean is a place that keeps me riveted to the reality of the moment. A place which is always changing and one that keeps me focused and alive in so many sublime ways. I … Continue reading

Posted in bliss, collaborators, Desire project preparation, disasters and catastrophes, document / journal, kai, story | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Still here?

I laze. It’s spring at the artist house, lovely. One might conjecture a very slow tourist season hereabouts, what with the end of capitalism and all. Sigh! What a time to be thousands of miles away. A cat eating mackerel … Continue reading

Posted in art, bliss, Desire project preparation, document / journal, health / survival, self education / research, simplify, story, sustainable, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, training / practice, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Leave a comment

Astoria Virgin

Watch Astoria Virgin This is supposed to be a video blog, so finally I am getting around to catching up on the chapters of the story. Here’s the first Vixia video from April 7, shot with an HF-11 I later … Continue reading

Posted in art, bliss, Desire project genesis, gear, movies, self education / research, story, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, training / practice, video chapters, vision / planning, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment