Category Archives: poetry / lyrics

PSA Music

I wrote this originally for Gretchen Eichberger’s “Music for Sleepy Beings” CD, but it didn’t make the cut. Even though I’m an old wolf with no kids, I know what it is to be up late and wishing I could … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, music, poetry / lyrics | Leave a comment

Exquisite night

take me, sneak up and surround me smother me in the unknown, unseen unfathomed the darkness of depth, underwater danger and cold almost death only to awaken live again, breath in sunlight but I lie a little you are not … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, poetry / lyrics, visualization (magic) | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

24 days northern spring

Beauty is a feeling and this morning I have it. It’s the combination of rapport, getting fit and making progress. In the past two days I’ve reconnected with Brook Hash, Susan Gilbert and tonight Kari Tomashik will be stopping in … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, open source, poetry / lyrics, self education / research, sustainable, training / practice, video chapters, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

I hear water

Open water on Crystal Lake, the ice is off. Woke to the murmer of a gray lake and an empty wind in a deep silence. The kwhoo of a morning dove, caw of a crow, and the trill and warble … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, poetry / lyrics, wilderness | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Moon trail

I recorded an iPhone audio snippet of my moolit sail to Otter Creek. The slight wind continued for what seemed hours. In the dark, I passed chatty smokers anchored by what I guessed to be Platte River. Later and far … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-06, Around Lake Michigan, bliss, Hello World, poetry / lyrics, sustainable, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

poetry by Kari

It’s actually July 9, 2009 and I just now found this poem from Kari Tomashik for On Desire. From:     Kari Subject:     RE: On Desire Date:     June 3, 2009 8:02:42 PM GMT-04:00 To:    Dan Cc:    Kari … Continue reading

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