Category Archives: vision


I was in the potting shed the other morning which is situated very close to the road. Two neighbors walking their dogs were passing my property in opposite directions and had a conversation which I couldn’t help but hear… Woman … Continue reading

Posted in alternate universe, analytics, Around Lake Michigan, vision | Leave a comment

Liz Vision

I got an actual letter from Liz Paladino on June 25, freshly recovered from the archives.

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Dear Earth

English Dear Earth, We, the people of the USA, are finally getting our shit together. We’re actually practicing democracy by taking direct responsibility for ourselves. We’ve always been in power here but have inappropriately allowed our beliefs and behaviors to … Continue reading

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Awash in wildflowers…

…and basking in beauty, that’s the summer of 2011. Hello World has been beached (blossomed) for a solid year following her crippling injury 30 miles north of Chicago that ended our 2010 expedition. She’s communing with the flox and vetch … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, Hello World, open source, policy, repairs, sustainable, training / practice, video chapters, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Climate Change and digressions

Premise Climbing high above a menacing mega-weather system, the VIP passengers aboard the Execu-jet attempt an escape to gentler climes, anticipating warm backrubs and frosty cocktails. Hubris! Even the mighty kerosene sucking turbo engines cannot forever loft such a heavy … Continue reading

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Encounters… with an annoying blowhard

“Encounters at the End of the World” is my first encounter with Werner Herzog. The title of the movie has a double meaning, referring both to Herzog’s NSF sponsored visit to Antartica, and his cliche assertion that humanity is doomed. … Continue reading

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Public Service Announcement

I’ve been away from for a couple of months, reconstructing my land based life and recovering from an NYC exit. Let’s return now to the Around Lake Michigan archives for further extraction and posting. I’m starting with a PSA … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, self education / research, simplify, story, sustainable, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, training / practice, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Day 5 – Ready to go for real

Day 5 was the second and for real launch. June 1st was the official day of getting Hello World into the Big Lake and starting to sail but the truth was we weren’t ready. A few days of puttering around … Continue reading

Posted in 10-06-05, 10-06-06, Around Lake Michigan, food, Hello World, repairs, self education / research, video chapters, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Day 4 – Adjustments in Arcadia

An easy afternoon on the beach making adjustments to Hello World, mostly the straps and plates that secured the waterproof rifle cases. There’s also insights about yawning. Behind the scene details were posted on June 6. 10-06-04 Adjustments in Arcadia, … Continue reading

Posted in 10-06-04, Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, Hello World, movies, repairs, self education / research, video chapters, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Day 2 – Elberta to Arcadia

Sailing from Elberta to Arcadia on Day 2 was much easier than getting from Point Betsie to Elberta on Day 1. In this episode, I discuss the plan to beach Hello World and run some errands while still within range … Continue reading

Posted in 10-06-01, 10-06-02, Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, sustainable, time, video chapters, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Accidental practice

Day 33 Perfection? The kingdom of god is spread upon the earth and man does not see it. Someone to tumble with in this grass would be sweet but as far as solo moments go, pretty near perfect. In tree … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, self education / research, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


Sarah Castle recently tweeted an New Scientist article by Deborah Mackenzie, Living in Denial, Why Sensible People Reject the Truth. This may have been a continuation of our exchange over my Stephen Hawkin inspired ET conquistador proposal, so I’ve been … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, health / survival, self education / research, training / practice, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Wanna get out there…

Started to run Indian Trails this morning when the strange cramp in my starboard calf returned with a vengeance. I’m getting fat, now what? I walked out of the woods and onto the dunes to try a little tai chi … Continue reading

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Armor Amour – chapter 2

Here’s the back page from the vintage Hobie Cat brochure that came with Hello World. Hobie had an intriguing angle on catamarans in 1979 – camping. Perhaps being a subsidiary of the Coleman Company had something to do with it. … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, repairs, self education / research, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Democracy Now and James Cameron

James Cameron’s life is shifting because of his super blockbuster, Avatar. Democracy Now interviewed Cameron yesterday. Here’s where to find it. WBAI NYC archive for Tuesday April 27, 2010 8:00am (audio) Democracy Now archive Tuesday April 27, 2010 (audio or … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

17 days – pronouns

You might notice an unusual use of pronouns in this project. “We” usually replaces “I” when discussing the trip. That’s because Hello World has it’s own identity and presence, it’s not just Dan Kelly sailing Around Lake Michigan, it’s Dan … Continue reading

Posted in collaborators, Hello World, self education / research, sustainable, training / practice, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Checklist sundries

revised 10-05-23 Light √ flashlight [Sure Shot] √ dive flashlight [Intova] √ x4 lighter √ x3 chemical light sticks √ candle lantern √ x5 candles Hygiene Health and First Aid √ scissor √ tweezor √ utility knife √ finger nail … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, training / practice, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Master Checklist ALM 2010

revised 10-05-19 This is based on the 09-08-31 Master Checklist, posted only 5 days before the September launch. We’re posting this 18 days before launch – that’s progress. revised 10-05-31 Launching 23 days late and this will be the final … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, food, Hello World, repairs, self education / research, training / practice, video chapters, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

19 days – Order of Operations

Time for a list of lists, a preliminary inventory. With 19 days left, we’ve got to design the optimal sequence of actions. To avoid the carbon cost of airplane flight, new gear needs to be shipped ground which means ordering … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, food, Hello World, movies, self education / research, simplify, training / practice, video chapters, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Road rushing

I got back from NYC on Tuesday. The round trip from Beulah to Brooklyn is 1800 miles. Each 900 mile leg is about 14 hours of driving. In contrast, 900 miles of leisurely sailing might take 2 months or 1440 … Continue reading

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On the road

In the recently acquired 2003 Odyssey with the antique cat, heading east and listening to Stevie Wonder. BK’s just 9 hours away.

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Starting the search…

I watched one of the worst movies last night, one that I had seen long ago – Dino De Laurentiis and David Lynch’s Dune. There were so many awful things, but especially bad were the voice overs of characters thinking. … Continue reading

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On artifacts and the incomprehensible

In a scalding tub, burning away the muscle ache from yesterday’s kooky backward run. I skip showers for several days running just so I can dip neck deep in steamy agua caliente. Today I bought a minivan from my fam … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, art, bliss, movies, open source, self education / research, sustainable, synchronicity / fortunate accidents, vision | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Online addiction

I’ve been so focused on social phenomenon that my first thought when I wake up is to get online. With only a month left before launch, it’s time to kick the habit. I’m replacing my morning urge to compute with … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, self education / research, training / practice, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

You’re being followed… on Twitter

Either by… Tweets by ondesire or Tweets by FutureArtifacts Thanks for taking the time to check us out. My name is Dan Kelly and I am working on the documentary movie. From May – August of 2010, I’ll be sailing … Continue reading

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Bounce rate drops at

Bounce rate has dropped from 40% to 10%, whoo! Congratulations team, landing page analysis and revisions are a success. We’re generating a trickle of new visitors by selective follows on Twitter every day. From analytics it was pretty clear that … Continue reading

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Bounce rate drops at

Bounce rate has dropped from 40% to 10%, whoo! Congratulations team, landing page analysis and revisions are a success. We’re generating a trickle of new visitors by selective follows on Twitter every day. From analytics it was pretty clear that … Continue reading

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Deconstructing doom

Jonathan has been questioning the veracity of the doom assertion in the ALM / artifact premise. A premise or pitch is a shorthand introduction to a project – typically delivered in less than 15 seconds (and often in an elevator). … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, self education / research, story, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Meeting 10-03-06 ondesire landing page

We’ve had two dream team meetings, in Brooklyn (Faisal, Erica and Dan) and last Saturday in Beulah (Steve Elrick, Melonie, Jonathan, Lucas Kelly and Dan). Inviting collaboration and contribution was the focus of Saturday’s meeting. Components of the ask package … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, document / journal, music, open source, self education / research, vision, vision / planning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Prime Directives from artifacts

A sustainable civilization is a diverse proposition that includes all our future activity and experience. An artifact of a sustainable civilization is any object, process or behavior that points to the fundamental operating principles of a sustainable civilization. These principles … Continue reading

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Guys in camo, the Asian carp video

Great Lakes Restoration has posted video from a February 12, 2010 meeting on Asian carp. With luck, I’ll approaching carp entry points by the end of May. My brother in Arizona can’t stand my singing, and he’s about the same … Continue reading

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Social presence and priorities

Today I am thinking about the indivisibility of story and audience. Which comes first? In May 2010, Hello World and I return to the Big Lake. I’d like to start with a more robust social presence than the project had … Continue reading

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Blog and Twitter heros

Wanted: Folks publishing with integrity and insight about the connections between environment, sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfillment. Comment with your recommendations.

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In training

Getting fit for my return to the water in May, just 66 days away. Not only do I need to be eye candy, but I’ve gotta muscle 300 lbs of sailboat ashore over sand or stone. Anastasia opined that I’m … Continue reading

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Feedback for movies, finally

Since the Around Lake Michigan movies are presented in a resizable window outside of the blog proper, folks couldn’t comment – doh! Just created a stack of posts to fix this slight oversight… and away we go! Watch the movies … Continue reading

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ATD facilitators

On December 13, 2008 I attended an Awakening the Dreamer symposium at Boricua College with Melanie Ida Chopko, aka Melonie Amazing. On Valentines Day weekend 2010, I trained with 34 others to be a symposium facilitator. The symposium is a … Continue reading

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Dream team

The primary lesson I learned making Daughter of God or DOG is this – finishing a movie by yourself takes forever. To complete DOG and support ALM this year, I’ve assembled a team of two knob spinning freelancers and five … Continue reading

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Visit On Desire

Last year my documentary about sailing around the Hawaiian Islands morphed into a documentary about sailing around Lake Michigan. In September of 2009 I soloed 300 miles on the 16 foor catamaran Hello World, searching for sustainable civilizations.  The plan … Continue reading

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ALM guide – inherent

There was another way of doing things once, a way that has become marginalized and almost forgotten but perhaps not quite totally annihilated. A way that isn’t self destructive. We all know the legend… the native people of several continents … Continue reading

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I thought I had a plan for making the mothership blog, but not quite. Now I am confused. Here’s a little map to illustrate the flow. FORUM collaboratory || feeding BLOG Mothership ( BLOG Daughter of God ( BLOG Around … Continue reading

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So far on ALM

We’ve been writing and writing. What has all this writing accomplished? Here’s what we know so far. Objectives for the project are identified The story centers around the guide character – his motivations, experience, starting point and transformation Several character … Continue reading

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Shut up about the xroll already

Holographic scenes are trembling moments of pure gestalt. Put them in a sequence and call that a movie.  Perhaps an alternate sequence reveals more. If you play it backward you hear, “I buried Paul.” I’m imagining a burst of experience … Continue reading

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The team

Making movies – I’ve discussed how much work is involved and how there’s not enough me to go around.  I need to amp up 1) art / production and 2) fundraising and outreach. I am in the process of contracting … Continue reading

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Redeconstructing motivation

The last several ALM posts have been about clarifying DK’s journey, why exactly did he get on the boat? Is he really searching for sustainable civilizations or was there another reason? Why is this trip shrouded in mystery? Maybe he … Continue reading

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Xroll installed

Dan Kelly is on this journey of discovery, he’s off to become miraculous, he’s searching for sustainable civilizations, he’s just an average American with an FBI record. Whatever his journey is, it’s open ended. Perhaps he has a general idea … Continue reading

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ALM guide, everyman

introduction for character Dan Kelly (everyman) Unless you’re totally evil or from another planet, you are probably concerned about the future of this one, our earth. It’s old news to talk about how much trouble we are in, so I … Continue reading

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ALM guide, becoming miraculous

introduction for character Dan Kelly (becoming miraculous) During intense experience I often get a clue about my full potential, what I am capable of. If I get into a situation that calls for a little something extra then lo, something … Continue reading

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ALM guide, the time traveler

introduction for character Dan Kelly (time traveler) Yes, another movie about how much trouble we are in. It’s also about how we got out of the trouble. If you remember the future as I do, you’ll know that we almost … Continue reading

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Designing the ALM guide

Who is this character Dan Kelly, ALM guide? Why is the audience intrigued by his journey? Based on my discussion with Andrea, I can’t assume the audience will understand my assumptions and motivations regarding ALM. The 900 lb gorilla in … Continue reading

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Coherent plan – objectives (ALM)

2.1 Objectives common to both projects… 2.2 Objectives of DOG 2.3 Objectives of ALM 2.3.1 convey the main character (premise / starting point) to establish rapport. He becomes a compelling guide / proxy for the audience (get inside his head) … Continue reading

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Coherent plan – objectives (common)

2.1 Objectives common to both projects… 2.1.1 completion in 2010 OR new funding and remake if new funding and remake,  some version of the original becomes a fund raising vehicle, proof of concept, extensive previsualization etc. if completion, … Continue reading

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A coherent plan emerges – mission

Good Earth, have you been reading the recent posts from and I have – and they are beginning to spin out of control. Some sort of fugue state is being entered into here, so many eggs are cracking … Continue reading

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What does memory look like? What do thoughts look like? What is the magic ingredient that makes reality real? I dunno. Let’s make some language. We’ve already got B roll, an antiquated term for supplementary footage used to cover audio … Continue reading

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Storycorps flash!

I had a flash today while listening to a Democracy Now report on, a huge oral history project catching the compelling eloquence of regular folks. That’s sort of what ALM is about too – finding extraordinary answers to global … Continue reading

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Evening of Exploration debrief

About 140 people attended our Evening of Exploration. We had a great ukulele and vocal set with Melonie and Shaun, Gretchen danced Glorious Dawn and I presented a 45 minute rough cut of Around Lake Michigan. Afterwards, I asked everyone … Continue reading

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North Manitou odyssey

Two – count ’em – two new chapters are available for your viewing pleasure, both documenting my two night sojourn on North Manitou Island. Disasters and blessings interpenetrate. 09-09-09 Crescent City under Hello World (newer OS) 09-09-09 Crescent City under … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-09, 09-09-10, Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, latest news, open source, video chapters, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Open source film making

Have I written about this yet, or have I just thought about writing about it? I admit I’ve been inventing open source filmmaking in a vacuum, I am only slightly aware of what other filmmakers are doing on this front. … Continue reading

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Breakfast monolog

A sacred place on a sacred day, North Manitou Island, 09/09/09. Ponderings on turning back, being myself and ending the war against wisdom, aka consumption by becoming poetry incarnate. 09-09-09 Crescent City on North Manitou Island (newer OS) 09-09-09 Crescent … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-09, Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, Hello World, video chapters, vision, vision / planning, wilderness | Leave a comment

Sketch – Passage to North Manitou Island

Another working sketch posted, the transit from Sleeping Bear Point to North Manitou Island. The queasiness associated with exposing works in progress is becoming less of an issue. I think this sketch works and gets the idea across. There’s enough … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-08, Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, latest news, video chapters, vision | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Making a movie

I shot around 20 hours of video in September. Is that enough to build a coherent feature length movie? My original idea was to post video during the trip, but It turns out that sailing 20-30 miles, camping/packing, shooting and … Continue reading

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Return to the crib

Back in Brooklyn after a 13 hour drive with my brother Steve yesterday. We’ve got a date today to help a mutual friend with his apartment, then Steve will be heading back to Michigan on Wednesday. Meanwhile, wow! What’s it … Continue reading

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Pumping water

After putting a good amount of distance between me and the starter fluid people, I blew off the idea of reaching Otter Creek. It was surely not far away, but it was getting late and I was ready to stop. … Continue reading

Posted in 09-09-07, Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, training / practice, video chapters, vision, wilderness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Yin and Yang

Even a sailboat has an environmental cost. Rebuilding Hello World was intended as a low impact project, not a sustainable project as I defined it a few days ago. Not only was electricity and petroleum poured into the tools, lights … Continue reading

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Seeds of Change

There are seeds in my landfill lifestyle, seeds of change, seeds of a fuzzy future utopia. If we poke around, can we find some pre-sprouted possibility, can we find the incarnate potential, a hint of what IT might look like? … Continue reading

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Search for Sustainable Civilizations

Queue voice over by Rod Serling or Leonard Nimoy… not Twilight Zone or Star Trek, but the 70’s Cousteau docs of Serling’s and the 80s ‘In Search Of’ series hosted by Nimoy. Sustainable Civilizations has a mythic ring. They are … Continue reading

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