Monthly Archives: September 2012

Projects in Progress Chapter 1

Here’s my instant review of Blue Planet with David Attenborough – things want to eat and breed and not get eaten. The ocean is big and mysterious, underwater photographers experience some serious beauty. What struck me in the tub at … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, birth, breed, children, clutter, david attenborough, father, Gurudeva, JFK, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, kinnicutt, marriage, ocean, og mandino, organize, parent, people, pound ridge, real life, Some Almonds are Harder to Skin than Others | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A nice day

Seems almost wrong to be staring at screens when it’s so lovely outside, implementing roto, roto, roto. That’s what has to be done as I drive forward on DOG’s conclusion. This repetitive visual work leaves great chunks of my brain … Continue reading
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