Time for a list of lists, a preliminary inventory. With 19 days left, we’ve got to design the optimal sequence of actions. To avoid the carbon cost of airplane flight, new gear needs to be shipped ground which means ordering within the week. Gear requests should be started first so we’ve got to decide what we want and who we are going to ask by Monday.
One of the prerequisites for asking is an effective introduction to the project. This is where the mini-movie fits in and it’s several days behind schedule. We are just going to have to make requests based on written materials with references to the long running video excerpts. There are five components to our collaboration proposal – a good idea (√), a coherent and workable plan (√), established distribution channels eg Ondesire.com, Facebook and Twitter (√), a documented mob (growing) and an articulate introduction (pending). Having a non profit umbrella would also be helpful so that contributions would be tax deductible. Since I missed my NP liaison last month, I doubt I could set this up before June 1, so I may just have to skip that. Perhaps it’s worth a phone call.
Monica Evans asked about making cash donations to the project. The trip itself is not all that expensive because it’s designed to be replicable/low budget/low impact, but post-production after the trip could cost $30k for labor and services. Asking for money doesn’t have to happen before launch, but it wouldn’t hurt to identify prospects now. I could then schedule several days during the trip to make these requests.
The origins, an overview. I’ve written deeply about the inspiration and origins of the project. Along with completing and posting the mini-movie, linking to the most articulate of these posts is vital. Methinks it might be a good idea to link first (today) and the sort out the mini-movie immediately after.
We’ve can instantly develop a starting inventory by linking to last September’s checklists, and then replace them with updates. They will also be helpful in identifying gear collaborators.
Posting our itinerary will not only trigger suggestions from the tribe about where to go and who to see, but other potential collaborators.
Finally, Hello World needs glass and rigging repair. There’s about a week worth of labor plus curing time after each patch, so this has got to begin no later than day 14 on the countdown.
So – here’s the order of operations draft…
19 days
• inventory/checklist rebuild 4/18
• introduction with links to inspiration and origins 4/18
• inventory revised with potential collaborators identified 4/18
• mini-movie 4/18+
18 – 16 days
• asks initiated 4/19 – 4/21 + mini-movie
• itinerary posted
17 -15 days
• ordering 4/22 – 4/23 + mini-movie
14 days
• Hello World repair 4/24+
12 – 10 days
• ordering and ask follow up 4/26-4/28
9 – 8 days
• provisions 4/29-4/30
• hulls complete and float test
7 days
• preliminary pack 5/1
• trailer and transport arranged
6 – 5 days
• final orders and provisions 5/2-5/3
4 – 2 days
• complete Hello World repairs and adjustments 5/4-5/6
1 days
• final pack 5/7
0 days
• trailer to E beach, launch party, overnight 5/8
• launch 5/9
Here are the general questions which helped me to develop this post.
Who can help, what companies are already involved?
What companies could be involved?
What’s the itinerary so far?
What does Hello World need to be water ready?
What provisions and consumables are needed?