The On Desire tribe reached it’s objective yesterday of 100+ fans for the Facebook page and the Around Lake Michigan movie project.
“This milestone demonstrates that we’ve got a solid core of kick ass collaborators,” said Dan Kelly, ALM’s guide. “Everyone knows that the fool in front of the camera is just the red ribbon on the birthday present, a bit of whipped cream on top of the sundae. We’ve got one hell of a Sundae going down here – the works! Bananas, several flavors of ice cream, nuts… all organic and fair trade of course. Most important though, remember the big dirt ball underneath – Earth. You can’t have a sundae or much of anything without a life friendly planet, well cared for and robust.”
No one was quite sure what Kelly meant by all this, but his delivery was very enthusiastic and animated.
Angela Saxon was one of several newly recruited fans who had no idea what they was signing on for,
“now i’ve gotta figure out what On Desire is all about…”
Due to the hypnotic nature of the Facebook interface, Luke Kelly and Winslow Morgan were able to induce a powerful Svengali effect, as evidenced by Mikayla Bajtka’s and Tim Howard’s posts,
“oh yah i think thats the one my friend luke told me to join lol.”
“OK winslow I fan-ed up”
Though effective, outright bullying triggered residual resentment, as evidenced by this response from the project’s potential spiritual advisor Victoria Weinstein,
“Yo mo-fo, I did it. Okay?”
“Whatever it takes,” responded Kelly. He said some other stuff too but folks were certainly more interested in the naked swim advertised to celebrate the 100 fan milestone. Dan and the project fabrication specialist, Patrick Kelly estimated the water temperature to be in the 40-45 degree F range. Why cherries? It’s Michigan. Roll the video.
10-04-16 Swim to celebrate 101 Facebook fans variable / full screen
10-04-16 Swim to celebrate 101 Facebook fans fixed size
Hey cold wet Kellys,
Great looking Lake video, looked like 40〫water! Is that a bar O soap on that rock?
Tim and I go pretty far back, we grew up playing hockey together, and a trip to switzerland cemented our friendship, and as life happens we were pulled in different directions. & now fortunately, we have -still- maintained the ability to check (Like in Hockey) each other whenever the opportunity arises. I assure you we are good friends! Tim’s wonderful NewYorkishness will never fade.
Glad to have Tim aboard. You do realize that the NEXT project will involve building a fleet of lighter than air ships so that we may wander the skies like gypsies, drift on the air like pollen, float like seed tufts hither and yon, spreading awakening, rapture and freaky good times? We’ll need Tim and every hearty human we can muster.
Glad to have Tim aboard. You do realize that the NEXT project will involve building a fleet of lighter than air ships so that we may wander the skies like gypsies, drift on the air like pollen, float like seed tufts hither and yon, spreading awakening, rapture and freaky good times? We’ll need Tim and every hearty human we can muster.