Not dead yet

Stopped for the night south of Sleeping Bear Dunes Point. Here’s the approach as the sun was setting. The peak at the left of the shot (north)  is about 400 ft high. I beached Hello World even farther to the north where the dune sloped down to about 50 ft. That boat in the shot was still anchored there the next morning.


This entry was posted in 09-09-07, Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, wilderness and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Not dead yet

  1. Beautiful day for you today! The Wind was kind, I hope. Rest well! You have excellent weather in the next couple days! Let us know if you need provisions…. I’m in TC on Wed…. could leave some haushka sunblock somewhere in a secret spot for you.

  2. robertbrucebushway says:

    good on you mate!!

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