South of Esch Road

Late start today 2 hours and then I’ll check in.

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5 Responses to South of Esch Road

  1. eric pyne says:

    At Otter Creek this morning, I sought you and your quest with a fresh, ripe, locally grown tomato. As a joke, placing the tomato’s price sticker on my third eye, the park ranger didn’t comment, didn’t fine me for being, wasn’t afraid. Still, he took down my plate number.
    Call me if you need anything. eep.

  2. robertbrucebushway says:

    here are a couple harvestfest’s happening in the U.P. maybe the timing will be right. might be a chance to network ideas and efforts.

    September 11th – 13th, 2009
    Harvest Festival
    Location: River Pines RV Park & Campground, Ontonagon

    Harvest Festival, River Pines RV Park & Campground, Ontonagon, 906-884-4600
    Phone: 906-884-4600

    September 19th – 20th, 2009
    Autumn Harvest Festival
    Location: Michigan Iron Industry Museum, Negaunee

    Autumn Harvest Festival, Michigan Iron Industry Museum, Negaunee, 906-475-7857
    Phone: 906-475-7857

  3. robertbrucebushway says:

    also dan, feel free to correspond to my wordpress if that’s easier for you, since your already using the same blog server for updates.

    cheers, robert

  4. Dan Kelly says:

    How sly of you Roberto, slipping in this blatant plug for your own blog!

    Thanks for the great leads, I’ll check them out.

  5. Dan Kelly says:

    I came so close to getting to Esch, I could have made it but everybody I talked to on the phone that night had bailed on the party and gone home. I didn’t think there would be any fire going to home in on. The next morning Ranger Jim showed up to tell me I wasn’t supposed to be there and that someone had been looking for me! Hilarious – that was you! So we did connect through the ranger after all! I’m sure on his beat he’s seen stranger stuff than you and me even. Thanks for the tomato!

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