Checklist Master

That it should come to this. The dreaded pre-travel checklist, lifted from a post a few days back, except this one gets updated right up until launch. Underline items need attention. Last updated 08/30/09

  1. Vision
    1. Search for sustainable civilization
      1. design and implement sustainable civilizations ASAP
      2. the project is internally consistent, an exercise in footprint reduction and measurement
      3. I have (or can acquire) the diverse competencies required
        1. fabrication
        2. sailing
        3. swimming
        4. film making
        5. stewardship
        6. open source distribution
        7. curiosity
        8. etc.
  2. Budget
    1. financial requirements about $10k total, gear and expenses, assuming some collaboration
    2. excellent health and physically fit principle players
    3. other projects on standby or automatic – summer / fall schedule cleared
      1. client needs simple changes to video
  3. Survival
    1. warmth

      1. shelter
        1. tent
        2. sleeping bag
        3. foam roll
        4. yoga mat
      2. sailing wetsuit / drysuit
        1. Traverse City pick-up, arrives 9-4-09
      3. clothing (link)
    2. water (Lake Michigan)
      1. 4 x nalgene bottles
      2. ceramic filter
      3. carry
        1. large righting bag
        2. collapsible jug
    3. food
      1. grains – pack
      2. cooking gear
        1. locking pot with lid
        2. big family pot
        3. 4 x bowls
        4. 4 x spoons
        5. ecover dish soap
        6. scrungy
        7. wooden spoon
        8. metal spoon
        9. alcohol stove
        10. fuel bottle small
        11. fuel bottle large
        12. grain alcohol (wisconsin)
        13. lighter
    4. sanitation (portable composting toilet)
      1. need sawdust bag
    5. sundries (link)
  4. Safe boat
    1. checked and repaired
      1. hull
      2. frame
        1. grind new rivet heads to remove excess post
      3. lines, shrouds
        1. new 17 shroud as backup pickup Traverse City, arrives 09-04-09
      4. mast
        1. rivet base
        2. rivet step
      5. rudders
        1. reverse bolts and nuts on starboard
        2. lock down cams adjusted
      6. sails
        1. install main downhaul
        2. repair jib downhaul
        3. batten tips on main
      7. sailing gloves
      8. uphaul rope
        1. big bucket system
          1. pickup Traverse City, arrives 9-4-09
      9. ditty bag
      10. toolkit
        1. spare parts
        2. basic tools
      11. paddle head or new paddle
      12. epoxy uphaul schackle
      13. harness with back support and spreader hook
        1. pickup Traverse City, arrives 9-4-09
  5. Legal
    1. registration
    2. vds (flares)
    3. sound device
    4. life preservers
      1. pickup Traverse City, arrives 9-4-09
    5. lights (for night running)
    6. anchor and chain with buoy
    7. 200 ft of line (30 ft depth)
  6. Navigation
    1. gps and charts iPhone application
      1. Mike Kelly collaborator
      2. iphone 2gs GPS is broken, cost of repair = cost of new 3gs iphone. Solution? Punt.
    2. compass
  7. Production Dry
    1. dry bag Seal line 115
    2. Canon Vixia kit (link)
    3. Apple Macbook Pro and Fusion hard drive (link)
    4. Applications
  8. Communication
    1. submersible VHF – icom
    2. Handheld CB radio
    3. cell phone – iPhone
      1. dry case pickup Traverse City, arrives 9-4-09
    4. collaboration on key resources
    5. blog revisions
    6. press release post launch
    7. hull graphics
    8. record iphone conversations
      1. contacted Adam the Maker, maybe he can make me one of his homebrews
    9. web connection – Verizon mifi
  9. Power
    1. extension cord – marina or house borrow
    2. Belkin surge protector (see Vixia HFS-10)
    3. tupperware container for Brunton Solo 15 with aquarium caulk
    4. Brunton Solaris 26 solar panel
      1. pickup Traverse City, arrives 9-4-09
    5. Brunton Solo 15 battery and inverter
      1. pickup Traverse City, arrives 9-4-09
  10. Itinerary
    1. where am i landing in TC (labor day weekend)
    2. final schedule before launch
    3. call north manitou rangers
    4. post TC – randy mcmillian, michael the lawyer
  11. Production Wet
    1. backpack – North Face Snow Leopard
    2. enclosure for Vixia
    3. scuba tank – hydrostated 07/09
    4. pressure gauge
    5. harness
    6. regulator – rebuilt 7/09
    7. mask
      1. suddenly leaking, try shaving
    8. snorkel
      1. needs new diaphrams?
    9. booties
    10. hood
    11. fins
    12. 2 x weight belt
    13. dive knife
    14. wetsuit
    1. rope
    2. dive weights
    3. flag
  12. Clean and prep house
    1. garage
      1. vacuum, vacuum, vacuum
      2. clean and organize tools
    2. grounds
      1. van
    3. laundry
    4. refridge
    5. bedroom
    6. mr boy cat – arrange for care until Melonie comes to pick him up
    7. dishes
    8. reassemble tripod and pack
    9. recording cable for iphone
    10. isolating earphones
    11. composting toilet
      1. sawdust refill
  13. Art
    1. Prang soft chaulk
    2. charcoal
    3. Larrivee Palor Guitar
      1. need another dry bag
  14. Logistics
    1. Jim Barnes trailer
  15. Something else
    1. miscellaneous
      1. print location and talent releases
      2. weigh and take pictures of trash
      3. move needed files to portable drive
        1. all vixia files for editing
        2. ru movies
      4. bills and such
        1. prog 9/28 $170
        2. Chinatown postmaster
        3. ATT
        4. charter cable
      5. press release post launch
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