Things of beauty

Even laid up in the intensive care unit, the hobie hulls are still things of beauty. Touching them you can almost feel the physics, they are hydro dynamic sonnets. They long for the water, they sing to me with their shape. These pictures are hardly worth the electrons they’re posted with, you need to run your hands along the profiles…

Starboard hull, big chunk near rudder
Starboard hull, big chunk near rudder
starboard two impacts
starboard two impacts
starboard inside near bow
starboard inside near bow
bow hit, note the pea size void in the glass, manufacturing flaw?
bow with pea size void in the glass, manufacturing flaw?
bottom jobs with burst 'bubble' on outside port hull
bottom jobs with burst ‘bubble’ on outside port hull
port delamination the first
port delamination the first
port delamination the third and fourth
port delamination the second and third
port delamination the fourth
port delamination the fourth
the maker removes vintage 1970 stripes
Patrick removes vintage 1970 stripes via telekinesis
beginning of port bottom job
beginning of port bottom job
custom hatch for cucumber storage
custom hatch for cucumber storage
made an inspection hole to remove beacoup sand from interior
made an inspection hole to remove beacoup sand from interior

The reason the starboard rudder excavation was not drying out was because the interior was full of sand! There’s a reason this Hobie Cat only cost me $400 (with trailer). No matter, I cut a hole big enough for a hose to rinse her out and then later a light bulb to dry her. In a few days, good as new! Crosses fingers… Here’s a message from Chip of Whirlwind Sails. He’s making a new main and jib for the Hobie. Looks like there’s going to be slight delay in delivery… The original sails have been hanging in my improvised loft since we cleaned them. They need minor repairs and I was going to hand sew them as a project along the way. It seems like a good idea to have a spare set, I’d also like to carry a spare rudder and a second set of shroud lines.

The originals have been cleaned but need minor repairs

The originals have been cleaned but need minor repairs

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