On Desire, an expedition towards sustainability

~~A stab at understanding sustainability~~
On Desire, an expedition towards sustainability.
This discussion is half of the primary focus of the On Desire expedition. The other half being the real world implementation of sustainably practices. I believe that there are two main aspects of determining sustainability. First is understanding the precise actual foot print of a person, a company or any endeavor. Once the actual air mass, land volume, resources (and their life cycles) are understood, educated assessments can be implemented to ensure no net decrease in the world’s quality and resources.
Footprint Calculators:
(With this calculator my footprint works out to 21.4 global acres and 24.1 tons of CO2 a year. If I just sailed, with occasional stops in town to fix stuff and re-provision, it works out to 15.2 global acres and 15.1 tons of CO2 a year.)
(looks interesting but couldn’t get it to work, I have low bandwidth right now and it’s got a herk’n big internet footprint…)
(according to this one I am responsible for 27 tons of CO2/yr.)
(this one seems a bit skewed towards European sensibilities, they calculated my carbon footprint at 7.86 tonnes per annum)
Here’s an interesting one I hadn’t thought of, a fresh water footprint calculator:
(My freshwater footprint =  772 cubic meter per year, but I require considerably more salt water in my endeavors. Most of that just passes by me though.)

This discussion is half of the primary focus of the On Desire expedition. The other half being the real world implementation of sustainably practices. I believe that there are two main aspects of determining sustainability. First is understanding the precise actual foot print of a person, a company or any endeavor. Once the actual air mass, land volume, resources (and their life cycles) are understood, educated assessments can be implemented to ensure no net decrease in the world’s quality and resources.

Some Footprint Calculators

With this calculator my footprint works out to 21.4 global acres and 24.1 tons of CO2 a year. If I just sailed, with occasional stops in town to fix stuff and re-provision, it works out to 15.2 global acres and 15.1 tons of CO2 a year.
Looks interesting but couldn’t get it to work, I have low bandwidth right now and it’s got a herk’n big internet footprint…
According to this one I am responsible for 27 tons of CO2/yr.
This one seems a bit skewed towards European sensibilities, they calculated my carbon footprint at 7.86 tonnes per annum.
Here’s an interesting one I hadn’t thought of, a fresh water footprint calculator:
My freshwater footprint =  772 cubic meter per year, but I require considerably more salt water in my endeavors. Most of that just passes by me though. Love the layout of this page btw.
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