Monthly Archives: August 2009

Beaver Island

Dan… Stoney Bus is 231-448-3125. They are ready to do the movie, just give them a day or two advance notice. They will pick you up where you are on the island. Beaver Island Transfer Station – approx. 2 miles … Continue reading

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Checklist Master

That it should come to this. The dreaded pre-travel checklist, lifted from a post a few days back, except this one gets updated right up until launch. Underline items need attention. Last updated 08/30/09 Vision Search for sustainable civilization design … Continue reading

Posted in gear, Hello World, latest news, repairs | Leave a comment

Shakedown Version 2.0

Reassembly complete and who needs the fancy thread fixing tool when Patrick’s around? Give him a triangular file and 30 minutes – viola! Working threads. Here’s the last geeky maker shot – a whazit I invented to keep the threads … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, latest news, repairs | Leave a comment

Striker bar Sunday

I’m into this WordPress for the iPhone thang. Now outhouse reports can go directly to the big screen. It’s not polite to talk poop in public, unless you’ve been liberated by Joseph Jenkin’s Humanure Handbook, a fantastic tome that’s now … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, latest news, repairs | Leave a comment

Who needs Twitter?

Just activated WordPress for the iPhone, and that’s where I’m posting from. Who needs Twitter? A set back today in the reassembly of Hello World. I bunged the starter threads on both sides of the dolphin striker, so I’ve got … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, document / journal, Hello World, latest news, repairs, simplify | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Rainy preparations

This morning I pop riveted the stern/port trampoline casting that Chuck welded yesterday. I’ve got more riveting to do after I apply some adhesive to the mast base, but it’s wet out there – raining. I’ll go into town to … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, collaborators, Hello World, latest news, repairs, self education / research, sustainable | Leave a comment

She floats

Hello World hit the water Tuesday evening after a month of renovations. Wednesday saw her across Crystal Lake, ready to fly. The ALM expedition is on track for a September launch. Curious collaborator – “Hey DK, I thought you were … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, repairs | Leave a comment

Guest book

Visitors Got a comment for On Desire? Maybe just want to write your name in the sand to say you’ve been here? To get started, return to the home page, follow the “Register” link to the right and sign in … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan | 7 Comments

Integrity exhibit B

It’s the day before launch, or at least the day before the launch party. Putting a final coart of paint on the hulls today and perhaps a second injection on the decks. There’s a slew of parts arriving via UPS, … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, repairs | Leave a comment

Integrity exhibit A

Breaches in the Hobie hulls are sealed, structural damage is remediated. At 10:00 pm UTC – 4, August 12, I completed the injections of the decks. Only cosmetic and finishing work remains. I know y’all have been starving for pictures, … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, maker, policy, repairs, sustainable | Leave a comment

Mid Pacific Garbage Vortex

~~Mid Ocean Garbage Vortex~~ Last January while attending Seattle’s annual boat show I came across the ‘Junk Raft’, a catamaran sailing vessel built out of trash and found objects by Dr. Marcus Eriksen and Joel Paschal. Over the course of … Continue reading

Posted in Desire project preparation, kai, sustainable | Leave a comment

Deep holes

Patrick and I patched up the sides of the hulls pretty nearly now – all that’s left is sanding, fairing and painting. There’s also epoxy injections needed for both decks a couple of feet forward of the front pylons. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, disasters and catastrophes, Hello World, repairs | Leave a comment


A $400 Hobie Cat, eh? That’s what I bought it for in May, with a trailer! A week later, (after a full inventory), it turned out there were no blocks for the main and jib. The seller, Alan Vigland, had … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, repairs, self education / research, sustainable | Leave a comment

Jungle delivery – Hawaii to San Diego, August – September 2009

Just about the time that I was realizing that ‘Desire’ wasn’t going to be ready to sail back to Seattle and I realized Dan wasn’t going to make it to Hawaii the universe conspired for me yet again. I got … Continue reading

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Paddles to the sea

Circumnavigations that come to mind… Remember that book by Holling C. Holling entitled Paddle to the Sea? A young Canadian boy carves a paddle person in a canoe and releases him in Nipigon country just north of Lake Superior during … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World | 3 Comments


There was a bon voyage party for me last night that I missed because I was scatter brained over these repairs and couldn’t remember where Gretchen said it was. I almost sprained my ass riding 11 miles at top speed … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, repairs | Leave a comment

Foam schmoam

Though I had thought the grinding was completely finished at 2:00 pm today, it wasn’t. I was prep sanding on the port hull’s bow when I broke through to a big void under the glass. That meant more grinding and … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, repairs | Leave a comment

Logo idea

Posted in Desire project preparation | 8 Comments

On Desire, an expedition towards sustainability

~~A stab at understanding sustainability~~ On Desire, an expedition towards sustainability. This discussion is half of the primary focus of the On Desire expedition. The other half being the real world implementation of sustainably practices. I believe that there are … Continue reading

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Foam dilemma

I’ve got voids in the foam sandwich and rather than cut little pieces of new foam I thought it made more sense to pour in foam that would expand to fill the voids and joints completely. There’s product by … Continue reading

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Things of beauty

Even laid up in the intensive care unit, the hobie hulls are still things of beauty. Touching them you can almost feel the physics, they are hydro dynamic sonnets. They long for the water, they sing to me with their … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, repairs | Leave a comment

Daily grind

Another day of prepping the hulls for repair. Here’s the latest pix. Why document the mundane and tedious? Unless I struggle, you just won’t care what I want. Five days until launch and there are big holes in my boat. … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Hello World, repairs | Leave a comment

The hydrodynamic advantages of multi hulls and keels

~~The Hydrodynamic Advantages of Multi Hulls and Keels~~~ Dan and I had a great discussing yesterday about twin keels/hulls verses mono keel/hulls. I was noticing that the amas (pontoons) on his Hobie Cat are asymmetrical. When attached to the trampoline … Continue reading

Posted in Around Lake Michigan, Desire project preparation, Hello World | Leave a comment