Kai is in the house! We’ve been doing a lot of undocumented talking phonewise.
Kai isn’t totally comfortable with posting full names of collaborating individuals, he want’s to protect their privacy. He’s also reluctant to release the On Desire blog to the world. He likes the idea of keeping it low key so that we can be more free with our experimentation.
In contrast, I’ve got no problem using the full names of my people and even throwing in history and context. The point of launching a blog is to communicate – to engage and tell a story. My journey is not primarily about boats, but about sharing my exploration of sustainability with as wide an audience as possible.
It appears we have fundamental philosophical rifts. That’s great – what’s a narrative without conflict? We’ve already had a slight rift on jetting and are sorting out a focus mismatch. I’ve cleared my summer (June – September) to do On Desire. Kai’s wedged the project in between sailing gigs and will be shifting his energy to a client’s boat by August 22. We’ve got about three weeks left of schedule overlap. To pull this off, we need to sync our focus for the next three weeks.
Wait a second Dan, Desire is stuck in the yard and you are not even in Hawaii! The premise of the project is toast, what can you guys do at this point? Ah, friends… we can make magic – beyond geography, budget and schedule. We initiated this project because we’ve both got some serious cosmic mojo going on. What the earth needs is folks figuring out how to activate their mojo, and that’s what’s for dinner right here and now at On Desire. Good stuff.
Watch us work this.