Big World Small Footprint Continuum

Big World Small Footprint Continuum ~The Desire Project~ RAW
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 10:04 AM (not foolish at all)
From: “kai”
To: “j gallone”

Hello John,

Here’s the scoop on what Dan and I are building. We’re calling it (working title/concept) ~The Desire Project~ ‘Big World small footprint’. It parallels your and my ideas regarding the ‘Whole Sail Catalog’, life, sailing, sealing wax and all that matters. It’s, of course, a work in progress and Dan and I cordially invite you to participate in any way that moves you.

Dan can give you access rights to the blog if you’d like. Contact him@:

Right now the idea is for Dan to meet me in Hawaii when I get there. The blog is our working script to the filming that we aim to compose. If you would like to help Dan with the filming in Hawaii we can work that into the script, so to speak. I’m thinking 1st unit 2nd unit, flip flop, paddy wack, give your dog a bone.

Wadaya think?

Love and Peace. ~Kai

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