

We now have the capability of updating our web blog on ‘Babalu’ by satellite phone at sea. This includes our position on Google Earth every time we update the blog. It’s still in it’s raw state but will get ‘mobeta with time/content.

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2 Responses to Sailbabalu

  1. Dan says:

    That’s awesome. I need to re-read your inventory of our communication gear, I think I have some more questions. We need to figure out how to update this blog tho. I am assuming since you are posting at sailbabalu you have a satellite phone. To post to the Desire blog, all we need is the ability to send email to a specific address – you’ve got on your phone?

  2. Kai says:

    Hey Dan,

    This will only work while I am on ‘Babalu’ between San Diego and Marquesas/Tahiti. I DO NOT have this on ‘Desire’. ‘Desire’ has a Single Side Band radio for long range voice and a VHF radio for short range (line of site) communication between ships/shore stations.

    Cheers! ~Kai

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