Monthly Archives: January 2009


From:     DAN Subject:     message Date:     January 13, 2009 9:18:14 AM EST To:    KAI got your message, am presently up to my ears. will call or write soon for the next wave. your email response was very … Continue reading

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The Desire Project – Big World small footprint

From:     KAI Subject:     The Desire Project – Big World small footprint Date:     January 6, 2009 12:28:32 AM EST To:    DAN Hello Dan, Sorry it took a few days to get back to you an answer your … Continue reading

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From:     DAN Subject:     Desire Date:     January 1, 2009 2:11:05 PM EST To:     KAI Kai, “Almonds” is an idea that i’d like to expand on. let me know if you think there’s a connection to the church … Continue reading

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x click at your own risk x

CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION Those x’s could mean pirates, poison, or porn –  the dark and dangerous stuff. Beyond this link a region of shadows and half remembered dreams, the wiring … Continue reading

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